Thursday, January 12, 2006


Google Personalized Homepage.. To Go!

A few weeks ago, Google announced that anyone with a gmail account and a web-enabled phone can now get there gmail by browsing to Well, it looks like they've One-upped it yet again. Now you can not only get your gmail, but everything else that you want on your personalized google homepage. All of the details are outlined at Now you can set up the rss site feed from this page.. and view it on your phone. How cools is that!? :)

The irony of it all, is that as Microsoft tries to get up to speed on all of the web 2.0 hype, they are SORELY lacking in the ease of use area, atleast for now. I know that slingbox recently added support to watch content from your personal DVR, Tivo, or just cable, on your cell phone.. provided it is running Windows mobile edition 4 or 5. So it looks like Microsoft is banking on selling a lot of OS's for phones, while Google is putting it's eggs in the "We'll do it all from the web side" basket. Starting to sound a lot like a "Thin-client vs. Fat-client" debate.
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