Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Long Time No See!

It's been a while! But here it is..the post that no one's been waiting for. I thought I'd mention my current situation with regards to my cell phone. I've had my Sony Ericsson S710a for a couple of years now, and it's been good to me.. well, it's actually my 3rd S710a.. The first was lost to a retention pond in Orlando, FL at 3 AM, the second, Max wanted to see what happens when you hit it with a hammer, but the 3rd one... that's been with me for a couple of years now. :) Anyway, back to the point of this entry. The iPhone came out a couple of months ago, and my contract with Cingular / AT&T has been over the 2 year requirement for a couple of months. The iPhone is VERY nice.. based on the 5 minutes I got to spend with one at the store a while back, and now that they are being unlocked, and have nintendo emulators and more and more homebrew will be coming soon, I've been tempted. Until I read about the Gphone.

Google has been rumored to be releasing a cell phone for a while now. And I've never doubted that has been one of their goals. What better way to target advertising then to know who you are, where you are at, and that you have this portable billboard in your hand. I've long had all of the google apps installed on my cell. Combine that with Opera Mini, and any cell can be pretty darn cool. I wonder if Google will try to sign some exclusive deal with a provider, or if it's just going to be open for all providers. Apple makes money on every cingular contract sold with an iPhone, not just on the hardware, so I'm guessing Google will try to follow that model as well.

In other news,
I'm working on putting together a podcast targeted at Systems Administrators. I've set up a talkshoe account and podcast. Look for Sys4dmin coming soon to an mp3 player near you.


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